Energy Infrastructure
Energy Infrastructure
  Energy Supply Chain People and Companies
Building a Clean and Energy Secure America

Media Room

February 3, 2021
We have all heard about the thousands of jobs that will be lost with the cancellation of the Keystone XL pipeline, but a little basic math reveals that President Biden's Keystone decision will INCREASE CARBON EMISSIONS EQUAL TO PUTTING NEARLY HALF A MILLION MORE CARS ON THE ROAD.

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EEIA, U.S. Chamber Team Up to Urge Court to Stay Montana Ruling Nixing Pipeline Permits
May 15, 2020
The Energy Equipment and Infrastructure Alliance (EEIA) and the United States Chamber of Commerce jointly filed a brief today with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit urging the Court to stay implementation of a recent Montana federal court's order invalidating Army Corps of Engineers water crossing permits nationwide for all oil and natural gas pipelines.

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COVID-19: Energy Supply Chain Companies Support Care Givers and Families
April 29, 2020
Washington DC ' Energy supply chain companies and workers have gone "above and beyond the call" to support care givers and people in need as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

EEIA affiliated firms including pipeline contractors, equipment suppliers, pipeline operators and energy producers have stepped up with donations of food, PPE, healthcare equipment and critically needed supplies to help people and their communities cope with the crisis.

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EEIA to Supreme Court: Overturn Disastrous Ruling Allowing a State to Veto Pipelines
March 23, 2020
The Energy Equipment and Infrastructure Alliance (EEIA) filed a brief today with the United States Supreme Court urging the Court to take up and reverse a lower court's decision allowing a state to unilaterally veto interstate pipeline projects that have been approved by the Federal Government.

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EEIA Leads Coalition for Permitting Reform
October 8, 2019
A broad coalition of labor and industry stakeholders has urged EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler to adopt proposed new rules for permitting energy infrastructure projects under the Clean Water Acts Section 401 water quality certification provisions.

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EEIA Urges EPA to Issue New Rules for Pipelines
September 6, 2019
Salt Lake City, UT - At an Environmental Protection Agency hearing in Salt Lake City on September 5 and 6 to gather comments on proposed rules for pipeline permitting, EEIA's President Toby Mack cited the critical need for regulatory consistency on the part of states when reviewing pipeline projects for compliance with federal water quality standards during construction.

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EEIA Mobilizes Support for New EPA Rules on Pipeline Permitting
August 22, 2019
Washington, DC - Following the Environmental Protection Agency's release on August 22, 2019 of proposed new rules governing state permitting of natural gas pipelines, the Energy Equipment and Infrastructure Alliance (EEIA) is leading a campaign to mobilize letters to EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler urging their adoption.

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Trump Executive Action Speeds Critical Energy Infrastructure
April 10, 2019
WASHINGTON, DC - Toby Mack, President and CEO of the Energy Equipment and Infrastructure Alliance (EEIA), today praised President Trump for signing executive orders to support development of critically-needed energy infrastructure.

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EEIA Leads Multi-Stakeholder Effort to Press Senate on FERC Confirmations
July 15, 2017
WASHINGTON - The Energy and Equipment Infrastructure Alliance (EEIA), which is leading an effort to urge the Senate to confirm nominees to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), today delivered a letter to Senate Leadership signed by a diverse group of 25 associations and unions who want the Senate to vote as early as possible on FERC confirmations. Citing job loss, economic stagnation, and lack of progress on existing pipelines which have cleared FERC staff review and now only require a final FERC vote of approval, the groups implored Senate leaders to make confirmations a high priority.

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EEIA Urges Swift Senate Confirmation of FERC Nominees
May 24, 2017
WASHINGTON, DC  In a letter to the United States Senate, the Energy Equipment & Infrastructure Alliance (EEIA) urged swift confirmation of two Trump nominees to positions as Commissioners of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).

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Energy Industry Hits Back at USBancorp Over Anti-Pipeline Policy
May 21, 2017
WASHINGTON, DC - The Energy Equipment & Infrastructure Alliance (EEIA) sent an open letter to Officers, Directors and Shareholders of USBancorp and U. S. Bank calling on the institution to reverse its new discriminatory anti-pipeline policy. USBancorps newly announced 2017 Environmental Responsibility Policy prohibits the bank from financing pipeline projects, and subjects new and existing bank clients that build energy infrastructure projects to heightened scrutiny of their policies and practices.

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EEIA Urges President to Green Light Dakota Access Pipeline
October 6, 2016
In a letter to President Obama Wednesday, the Energy Equipment and Infrastructure Alliance (EEIA) objected to the Administration's recent suspension of construction work on the Dakota Access Pipeline, a 1,172-mile crude oil pipeline from the Bakken shale formation of North Dakota to a refinery hub in Illinois. The letter was co-signed by eighteen national trade associations and labor unions representing businesses and workers that build and supply energy infrastructure.

(Read More)    Supply Chain Letter to President re DAPL.pdf

EEIA Launches Pipeline Support Network
June 23, 2016
The Energy Equipment and Infrastructure Alliance (EEIA) today announced the formation of a special action group to engage the supply chain to work for regulatory approval of pipelines and other major energy infrastructure projects.

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EEIA, Supply Chain Allies Urge Congress to Adopt Common-sense Energy Policies
February 7, 2016
In an EEIA-coordinated letter to the Senate and House, leading energy supply chain associations and labor unions urged Congress to remove roadblocks to liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports and permitting of energy infrastructure projects, and eliminate other regulations that restrict energy production without improving safety or the environment.

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Obama Oil Tax Proposal to Cost Jobs, Raise Energy Prices
February 6, 2016
President Obama escalated his campaign against American consumers' access to affordable energy, with plans announced February 4 for a new $10 per barrel tax on oil, included in his proposed 2017 budget to be sent to Congress the following week.

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