EEIA Leads Multi-Stakeholder Effort to Press Senate on FERC Confirmations July 15, 2017
WASHINGTON - The Energy and Equipment Infrastructure Alliance (EEIA), which is leading an effort to urge the Senate to confirm nominees to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), today delivered a letter to Senate Leadership signed by a diverse group of 25 associations and unions who want the Senate to vote as early as possible on FERC confirmations. Citing job loss, economic stagnation, and lack of progress on existing pipelines which have cleared FERC staff review and now only require a final FERC vote of approval, the groups implored Senate leaders to make confirmations a high priority.
"Every day that goes by is one more day without progress on these approved projects that will help create jobs, grow our economy and help make America stronger. We're pleased to have such strong support on our letter and our effort to get these important officials confirmed so we can get moving again on job creation and building the modern energy infrastructure our country so desperately needs," said Toby Mack, President and CEO of EEIA.
Signatories include: Energy Equipment and Infrastructure Alliance American Council of Engineering Companies American Iron and Steel Institute American Pipeline Contractors Association American Rental Association American Supply Association Associated Equipment Distributors Association of Equipment Manufacturers Associated General Contractors of America Distribution Contractors Association Industrial minerals Association - North America International Union of Operating Engineers The INGAA Foundation, Inc. Laborers' International Union of North America Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association Metals Service Center Institute NAHAD - The Association for Hose and Accessory Distribution National Electrical Contractors Association Natural Gas Supply Association National Industrial Sand Association National Utility Contractors Association National Ready Mixed Concrete Association Power and Communications Contractors Association Plastics Pipe Institute United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry
Read Letter
