Energy Infrastructure
Energy Infrastructure
  Energy Supply Chain People and Companies
Building a Clean and Energy Secure America

Key Issues

Accelerate CCS Projects and CO2 Injection Well Permitting

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) holds great promise to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions while ensuring the availability of clean, reliable and affordable energy to Americans. To implement CCS at scale, major new CO2 pipeline networks are needed. New policies at the federal and state levels are required to provide investment incentives for CCS implementation and to provide regulatory mechanisms that allow the infrastructure to be built.

To support CCS, EPA must accelerate processing of applications for Class VI CO2 sequestration well permits, and act expeditiously on state applications for Class VI well permitting primacy. This is necessary to clear a currently huge backlog of applications pending at EPA but not acted on, which is severely limiting development of carbon capture and sequestration projects.

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EEIA Is the Voice of the Energy Infrastructure Supply Chain
Building the Energy Foundation for a Clean and Secure America

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