Energy Infrastructure
Energy Infrastructure
  Energy Supply Chain People and Companies
Building a Clean and Energy Secure America

Key Issues

Strong Climate Benefits of Natural Gas

  • Natural gas is key to lowering carbon emissions - both in the US and globally. Using more natural gas for electricity generation has reduced US CO2 emissions to a 30-year low, more than any other country.

  • U.S. carbon emissions will continue to decline while other countries' emissions, especially in Asia, are projected to grow for at least the next decade as they rapidly add coal-fired power plants.

  • Today, China's power plants emit four time more CO2 than those in the United States. On current trends, by 2030 China and India together will account for 42% of global CO2 emissions from power plants and rising, compared to 12% from the U.S. and falling.

  • American exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) can help coal-reliant countries like China and India switch more rapidly to natural gas and greatly reduce their emissions. To enable this, we need to increase production of natural gas and build pipelines to bring it to export terminals.

  • As we transition to a lower-carbon economy, natural gas is the only viable path to providing enough clean electrical power to charge the growing fleet of car and truck batteries and provide power to all-electric buildings.

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