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Trump Executive Action Speeds Critical Energy Infrastructure
April 10, 2019

WASHINGTON, DC - Toby Mack, President and CEO of the Energy Equipment and Infrastructure Alliance (EEIA), today praised President Trump for signing executive orders to support development of critically-needed energy infrastructure. The executive actions remove barriers to pipeline construction and to private financing of energy infrastructure, and update transport regulations to allow shipment of liquefied natural gas (LNG) by rail. A second order vests with the President sole authority to grant permits for pipelines to cross our borders with Canada and Mexico, after review and advice by the U.S. State Department.

"The President understands the importance of adequate energy infrastructure to American consumers and businesses who need affordable and reliable energy, and especially to the men and women who build energy projects and support their families and communities with the great jobs these projects sustain." said EEIA's Toby Mack

"Every American family is benefitting from the domestic energy revolution. Innovation and new discoveries of clean and affordable fuels like natural gas are cutting consumer prices, utility bills, and greenhouse gas emissions. That wouldn't be possible without pipelines and other infrastructure that move our new-found energy wealth to the marketplace. We applaud President Trump for standing up for American construction workers and their families, and consumers and businesses. Our companies and workers look forward to building the projects that these Presidential orders make possible, and that strengthen our nation's critical energy infrastructure."

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