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Equipment Company Leader Speaks Out for Pipelines

In some parts of our country, it often seems like there is a relentless drumbeat of negative media bias against natural gas and the infrastructure needed to bring this plentiful, affordable and clean fuel from the well to the consumer. It's an old adage that any assertion (no matter how unfounded) that remains unchallenged becomes true in the public's mind.

In that vein, the Connecticut Post ran an editorial March 15 that opposed increasing the use of natural gas for power generation and building the pipelines needed to bring it into the state. It made numerous uninformed and erroneous assertions. Fortunately for all of us, a state business leader - Rob Cleveland, CEO of Connecticut and New York Caterpillar dealer H. O. Penn Machinery - stood up and "threw the flag" in the form of a letter to the paper's editors, which was published March 25 and is available here.

We commend it to you with this message: we urge energy infrastructure business leaders and workers to speak out at every opportunity - in the media, with business and community organizations and with associates, friends and family - about the incredible benefits natural gas brings to people, our communities, our country and the environment. This is particularly important when opponents' false or misguided assertions need to be corrected or countered. This letter to the Connecticut Post's editors offers compelling truths and is a shining example.

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