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US State Dept Urged to Issue Line 67 Permit

In a recent letter to the US State Department, EEIA has urged the issuance of a Presidential Permit for Enbridge's "Alberta Clipper" Line 67 Expansion project, which would bring Alberta crude oil to terminal facilities in Superior, Wisconsin. The permit is required for the pipeline to cross the US-Canada Border at a point in northeastern North Dakota.

EEIA pointed out that the capacity added by the project, estimated at 800,000 barrels per day, would enhance North American Energy Security, create many thousands of jobs in the energy supply chain, and contribute to lower energy costs to American consumers.

In the letter, EEIA President Toby Mack stated, "We urge the Department to issue, at the earliest possible date, the Presidential Permit to transport 800,000 barrels per day via the Line 67 U.S.-Canada border segment, especially given that the draft SEIS finds no significant adverse environmental impacts.

"Conversely, not issuing the Permit would in fact have adverse environmental impacts. Alternative means of transport for crude oil would subject the affected oil to significantly higher levels of safety risk, greater greenhouse gas emissions, and surface transportation capacity congestion and restraint."

Read EEIA Letter to US Department of State

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