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EEIA Urges FERC to Approve Atlantic Coast Pipeline

In a letter to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, EEIA urged the Commission to approve the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, a 550-mile natural gas pipeline bringing Marcellus and Utica gas from West Virginia to markets in Virginia and North Carolina. The project will be built by Dominion at an investment of over $5 billion, and is slated for beginning construction in late 2017.

In its filing, EEIA cited in excess of 15,000 permanent supply chain jobs that would be created to support production of the additional 1.5 billion cubic feet per day that the line will carry. Those jobs are in addition to several thousand building trades jobs the project would create during construction.

In addition, EEIA noted that "because of all of the construction and energy production activities this pipeline will enable, jurisdictions and communities throughout the ACP- served regions and beyond will benefit from worker incomes earned and spent locally. The resulting state and local taxes paid by them and their employers will support public education, environmental programs, infrastructure, public safety and other state and local government operations."

View EEIA Letter to FERC

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