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Senate Passes Energy Bill

April 20, 2016 - The Senate has approved the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015 by a strong bi-partisan majority (85 - 12). The comprehensive energy bill implements two of EEIA's top legislative priorities: speeding the process for approval of LNG export licenses, and easing permitting restrictions on construction of natural gas pipelines on federal land.

An EEIA-coordinated letter to Congress, widely circulated earlier this year in both the Senate and House of Representatives, strongly urged both critically-needed reforms. The letter was co-signed by twenty-two trade associations and four labor unions representing the energy supply chain.

The bill also promotes energy efficiency in buildings and modernization of the electrical grid. It must now be resolved with a similar bill (H.R. 8) passed by the House late last year, prior to final passage by both houses and submission to President Obama for signature.

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