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  Energy Supply Chain People and Companies
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EEIA is pleased to welcome CEMEX as our newest member company.

Cemex.jpg EEIA is pleased to welcome CEMEX as our newest member company.

CEMEX is a global building materials company that provides high quality products and reliable service to customers and communities in more than 50 countries throughout the world. Its U.S. network includes 13 cement plants, 46 strategically located distribution terminals, 74 aggregate quarries and more than 350 ready-mix concrete plants. Founded in Mexico 1906, CEMEX has grown from a small regional cement firm into a top global building solutions company.

Cement is used extensively in oil and gas operations, both for well construction and for production of the concrete needed to build the infrastructure necessary to support oil and gas production, transportation and processing.

EEIA is a trade association representing energy supply chain companies that provide equipment, logistics, materials, services and construction to shale oil and gas operations.

The shale energy supply chain is made up of sixty different industries, including over 120,000 companies, that together account for over $170 billion of annual sales, and have over 600,000 people employed to serve energy-related customers. Bringing that major economic force together as a unified political voice has proven effective in moving pro-development energy policy to the front burner in Washington.

EEIAs key role in energy debates stems from the fact that supply chain companies operate in all fifty states, and not just in the energy producing areas. This helps policymakers from non-producing areas of the country understand that supporting energy production helps the economies and workers of their own states and districts.

EEIA's current top legislative priorities are repealing the decades-old ban on crude oil exports, and removing federal administrative roadblocks to exporting natural gas in the form of LNG. Success in both areas will support increased oil and natural gas production, which in turn will spur renewed growth in business and employment for suppliers of equipment, products and services used in the process of drilling and hydraulic fracturing for oil and gas from shale.

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EEIA Is the Voice of the Energy Infrastructure Supply Chain
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