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Energy Veteran Bud Albright Joins EEIA Team

mack-albright1.jpg April 15, 2015 - Washington, DC - Energy Equipment and Infrastructure Alliance (EEIA) President Toby Mack announced today that the Honorable Bud Albright, former Undersecretary of Energy and now Principal at DC-based Ogilvy Government Relations, has joined the EEIA team as outside counsel. Albright will assist EEIA with its advocacy agenda, with special focus on enabling American crude oil and LNG exports. EEIA regards energy exports as essential to the continued growth of the North American energy supply chain. We are very pleased to be able to bring Buds experience, skill and distinguished record of government service to our cause, said Mack. His experience leading energy and environment programs and legislative policy at the federal level, as well as shepherding foreign and domestic policy implementation, is nearly unparalleled in Washington and will be a major asset to our energy supply industries.

Over the last 30 years Albright has held numerous senior-level federal government positions. In addition to service as Under Secretary at the Department of Energy under President George W. Bush, the served as Deputy General Counsel at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Deputy Associate Attorney General at the Department of Justice, and as Staff Director for the House Energy and Commerce Committee. He also served for six years as an Assistant United States Attorney and worked on the Senate Judiciary Committee during law school. Through these positions Albright has developed a keen understanding of how the political and the policy elements of Washington intersect.

As a widely respected policy expert, Albright currently provides advice and counsel to some of the top corporations and trade associations in the United States, including guidance on government affairs advocacy and political strategy, as well as on crisis communications. His involvement in the legislative process in both the House and Senate, as well with Federal Agency regulators, has led to numerous legislative and policy successes over the years.


About Energy Equipment and Infrastructure Alliance (EEIA) EEIA is a Washington, D.C.-based alliance representing equipment and material suppliers, contractors, service providers and workers supporting shale oil and gas production, transportation and processing.

About Ogilvy Government Relations Ogilvy Government Relations is one of the premier bipartisan government relations firms in Washington. The firm is ranked as a top government relations firm and has been listed as one of the Washington Posts Top 200 businesses in the metropolitan area. For more than a decade, the professionals at Ogilvy Government Relations have effectively represented leading associations, corporations and institutions with legislative and regulatory concerns in Washington, DC.

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