Bloomberg Spending $.5 Billion to Stop Natural Gas
At the MIT commencement ceremony June 7, Michael Bloomberg announced that his Bloomberg Philanthropies will spend $500 million on a Beyond Carbon campaign. The funds will be used to support politics and policy initiatives at the state and local levels aimed at stopping the addition of new natural gas power plants and closing all remaining coal-fired plants in the U.S.
Nothing could more loudly drive home the urgent need for people who benefit from clean, affordable and secure energy to speak out in defense of natural gas as the greatest contributor to lower carbon emissions, support for integration of renewables, individual economic well-being and community prosperity.
The companies and people of the energy infrastructure industry live and work in the places Bloomberg is targeting: states - all 50 of them - and local communities, where grass-roots voices are strongest.
Thoughtful citizens should be very concerned that the misguided New York billionaire's money is being sent to local communities throughout America to try to stop the very thing that is improving our environment and lowering our carbon emissions faster than any other country on earth - natural gas used to generate electricity.
Read Bloomberg's announcement and then share your thoughts with us.