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EEIA to President Trump: Appoint FERC Commissioners ASAP

Since the resignation of Commissioner Norman Bay on February 3, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has had only two sitting Commissioners, short of the statutorily necessary three for the quorum needed to approve construction of natural gas infrastructure including new pipelines. This has delayed construction of as much as $15 billion of proposed new projects.

In a letter to the President, EEIA urged immediate nomination of up to three additional Commissioners, which would bring the Commission to its full-strength level of five. The need to make the appointments as soon as possible is necessitated by the requirement that Commissioners must be confirmed by the Senate, a process that requires prioritizing Senate action within an environment of a heavy backlog of other critical Administration positions.

Insiders estimate that in the most optimistic scenario, a FERC quorum won't be in place until early summer.

Read EEIA Letter to President Trump

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